Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid: Is a policy that separates differents racial groups, also known as discrimination to people who have different ethic background. [Whites, Blacks, Mixed, Indians]

*Nelson Mandela
was born in Transkei, South Africa on July 18, 1918. His father Chief Henry Mandela was from Tembu, Tribe. He was well educated at University College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand and was qualified in law in 1942. Due to this he was an Important ANC leader, but in1964 he was jailed by the government. He was in jail for 27 years and during that timel he became a powerful symbol of the struggle for freedom. During the 1950's Mandela was inspired by his major role in the ANC's non- violent campaign to undermine apartheid.
*Nelson Mandela is considered a hero in South Africa because he did more than their people expectedand mada alot of accomplishments for them. For this he is favored by many authors and mentioned by varios articles like "My Hero Project". He is appreciated by many authors because of his great support in stoping apartheid. he was a great man, eventhought he was in jail he didn't stop and wanted to make people to feel equal. He wasa greatand strong man that liked to help others and looked after them.

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