Friday, April 27, 2007

African Independence

*Africa changed so much in the 20 year period from 1955 to 1975 because of many reasons. In 1955 africa changed because the British colony developed the first African colony in South Sahara to achieve Independence, called the Gold Coast. The Gold Coast was a British colony, their leader was Kwame Nkrumah who organized a party. He helped liberate the Gold Coast from the British by using the strikes and boycotts to battle the british. Due to these results the British granted independence to the Gold Coast and Nkrumah became its prime minister. He renamed the country Ghana that was a new nation to its african past. * In 1975 africa had more independent countries than in 1955, because the africans thought it was neccessary to separate from Europe. Due to this it was more effective because there was independent countries in 1975. In a British colony named Kenya, their leader was Jomo Kenyatta who led them to independence. He spoke for the Kikuyu people who were let out of their land by the European settlers. However, Kenyatta refused to the Mau Mau ( was mainly to frigthen the white farmers to leave the highlands) connection so he was imprisoned by the british for a time for his refusal. In 1963, the british granted Kenya Independence, so Kenyatta became the first prime minister of an Independence Kenya. he worked very hard to unite the varius ethic and language groups in the country.

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