Monday, May 7, 2007

Creation of Israel

Explain the conflict that occurred when Israel was created. Why do the Palestinians and Israelis not get along?

*Zionism: Is a movement that has encouraged the creation and support of the nation of Israel and it's people.

* There was a lot of conflicts that occurred when Israel was created . Like they didn't get along with the Jews due to many reasons they had. YThis had begun in the Late 1800's where the Jews had migrated to Palestine and their numbers grew after WWII. This was because many survived of the Holocaust and went to live in Palestine and because of this things started to be terrible, that they created support for a Jewish homeland. Due to this Jews, and Palestinian Arabs claimed a right to the land of Palestine. This is were violent moments betweens the groups started.

But, in 1947 the United Nations decide to divide Palestine, into an Arab state and a Jewish state. The Jews accepted this pland, but the arabs did not accept it. By 1948, Britian withdrewand the Jews proclaimed the independent state of Israel, that was recognized by the United Sates and the Soviet Uninon. Later, on that Arab decide to attack Israel, but because of this the Israeli forces won severals wars with the Arab. The result of the war was that Israel was nearly doubled its territory. There was alot of surprise because the country of Israel developed very fast, between 1948 and the mid-1980s about 2 million Jews migrated to Israel, eventhought some went to escape from persecution. I believe that the Palestine should just stop and live in peace. This will bring less conflicts between the Jews and the Arabs and the Jews would feel more comfortable and forget everything. Also because even today many Jews are being judge and I believe is not good because everybody should be treated equally.

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