Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism

*Glasnost: Is a policy that refers to an idea of being open to non-socialist economic systems. Russsian word for "openness"

A policy that involved restructuring of the social and economic status in communist Russia.

Mikhail Gorbachev was born on March 2, 1931 who is a Russian politician. He was the last leader of the Soviet Union, who served from 1985 until the collapse of 1991. His supporters praise his youth, energy, and political skills that they admired. He was one of the youngest leader of the Soviet Union, since Stalin. He didn't need to follow other people ideas, he just came up with new ones that were more better and useful.
He opened up the Soviet Union and paved the way to end communism by opening the soviets citizens to help them out in their society. Due to this he started a thin called Glasnost that was an opening to help his citizens and make them feel comfortable with him as a leader, and to be not afraid of any losses. However, he had many ideas that he created another called Perestrokia that was an idea on economic restructuring throughout the Soviet Union. As Gorbachev made new reforms communism started to get weaker and weaker. His main idea was to make communism more efficent and productive development. Many changes came along the years where he finally ended communism and dramatically living to a new reform called capitalism where many things changed and are not the same.

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