Monday, April 16, 2007

Film Lesson- "The Right Stuff"

*In the Film "The Right Stuff" there was two kind of countries competing against each other. They were the U.S. and the USSR (Soviet Union), they were trying to get the best rockets and astronuants, the nuclear weapons. They did everything they needed too, so they cen get their best results. The Soviet union tried to first send a monkey in the rocket and see what the results would, so if the monkey survived they would send a human being.The scene that will help me remember is when they were trying to see which spaceships will fly to the moon and that will really work for astronuants to go too. This tell how the first person would go to the moon and how it was planned by the workers who made the spaceship. The winning one was the US because they had better technology that was expanding more and they had chosen better
astronuants that had better abilities to go up to space.

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