Friday, February 9, 2007

Film Lesson: "Gandhi"

Gandhi helped his nation of India gain Independence of Great Britian by teaching many about the nonvoiolent resistance and civil disobience which it meant the refusal to obey unjust laws. He did alot of things in order to bring peace to his country India, because he wanted to have freedom and wanted to his people to be free and not depend on anyone. He used a lot of tactics that were boycotting, or refusing to buy british goods. Also he forced his people to do the same and not follow their rules or buy anything of their goods. Gandhi embraced western ideas of democracy and nationalism. His philosophy of nonviolence was effectively used because violence wasn't used at all, he did not want to people to get hurt and never used weapons among them. He was a very great man that wanted everything to be settled in his country. He played an important part in the independence movement with his policy of passive resistance. Finally in 1947, Britain granted Indenpendence to India after Gandhi death.

1 comment:

RachelR said...

hey carla. i like ur page. its pretty!