Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WWI)

The treaty of Versailles (1919) was the peace treaty which ended the World War I between the Allied and Central Powers and the GermanEmpire. The treaty led, either directly or indirectly to a serious situation in Germany where the people felt let down, this made them wanting to blame on others. It led to economic problems and a lack of food or jobs. The treaty of Versailles also formed the League of Nations, a group of over 40 countries that hoped to settle problems through negotiation, not war. Those countries that joined the League of Nations promised to take cooperative economic and military action against any aggressor state. The Land of Germany was taken, some were used to help create the new country of Poland. Germany's army and navy were limited, they had to remove their troopsfrom the Rhineland, and industrial area along the French border. Historian say that it led to Facism because is the rule of a people by dictatorial governments that is nationalistic and imperialistic. Facists governments are also anticommunist. Facism emerged in both Italy and Germany after WWI that was Adolf Hitler idea.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) 1881-1938 was a general and a war hero in Turkey, He wanted Turkey in order to give his nation a new senses of diginity, equality and happiness. In his modernization secular government and education played a major role in people's life. This brought him to have a Secular System in Turkey were most of the Christian and Jewish people were free to pratice their faith. He believed that Turkey had to change to survive. His changes were that Islamic law was replaced with a new law code, based on European models. The Muslim calendar was replaced with the western (Christian) one. He really reformed the Turkey nation, Ataturk built roads, railrods, and factories. In 1933, Ataturk said " I look to the world with an open heart full of pure feelings and friendship." He was a real hero in Turkey because everybody admired him who definitly threw off the European dominations. By this time the government of Turkey reamins secular, but some Islamic groups works strongly for a return. The name Ataturk meant "father of the Turks." On November 10, 1983, due to an illness of a few months, the national liberator and the Father of modern Turkey died. His legacy to his people and to the world still endures.

Secular: Having to do with worldly rather than religious matters. Not having any connection with religion.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Film Lesson: "Gandhi"

Gandhi helped his nation of India gain Independence of Great Britian by teaching many about the nonvoiolent resistance and civil disobience which it meant the refusal to obey unjust laws. He did alot of things in order to bring peace to his country India, because he wanted to have freedom and wanted to his people to be free and not depend on anyone. He used a lot of tactics that were boycotting, or refusing to buy british goods. Also he forced his people to do the same and not follow their rules or buy anything of their goods. Gandhi embraced western ideas of democracy and nationalism. His philosophy of nonviolence was effectively used because violence wasn't used at all, he did not want to people to get hurt and never used weapons among them. He was a very great man that wanted everything to be settled in his country. He played an important part in the independence movement with his policy of passive resistance. Finally in 1947, Britain granted Indenpendence to India after Gandhi death.