Thursday, March 22, 2007

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

Some 0f the reactions to "Night and Fog" was that it was terrible to see the documentary because it showed scenes that were not good to see. It showed the way many people were killed and how later they were buried by other humans beings, they had no compassion to other people's lives. I found this film powerful because it was horrible to see and it showed many scenes that were very disturbing about the prisioners and victims from the camp. It compares some scenes from the "Schindlers's List" because it showed how they used to work and then later on how they were killed by the germans. Some scenes were similar to each film because it had to do with the Jews and how they were treated. The film that illustrates the Holocaust more effectively is the Hollywood Version, I say this because the film "Schindler's List" had more effectively scenes that showed how it really happened and really got people's attention of how the Jews lived during that time.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Film Lesson: Schindler's List

The Schindler's List illustrated the Holocaust, because it explained how life was during that time and how many people lived and how they were treated by the germans. We were able to see how the Jews were treated first in the Ghettos, then in the Labor Camps and Finally in the concentration camps (Aushwitiz). The film also illustrated how the Jewstried to hide and to escape, but they had no where else to go and the nazi's had no compassion and killed them like they were killing animals. Also the childrens were separated from their parents and were nver brought back together because most of them died. But in the film there was one man that could save most of the Jews because they worked for him and he was one of the Nazi member. His name was Schindler and if you made it on his list there was a lot of possibilities of not being killed because he would save you.

The Scenes that I think that was most powerful for me was Aushwitiz. It was horrible to see how they get burned just like if there animals that had no life. It was very terrible to watch how they were treated because they would kill you and they won't even feel anything inside them like why I did this? These kind of people were very agressive and treated the Jews like a piece of crap and didn't care about them.

The Image that will stay in me was the Little girl with the pink jacket running and trying to hide so she won't get killed and also how Schindler saw the little girl like if she meant something to him or giving a signal of how the people were being treated and that she didn't want to be one of them. He was very sad at the way the jews were treated but he couldn't do anything, the only thing he could do was save the people that worked for him and nothing else.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

Well in my opinion for this cause is that I agree that the US Atomic Bombing of Japan was the number one news story of the century. This was basically the major event that ever happened during that time, because many things were changing and things were getting modernized like massive productions and the use of different kind of weapons and their technology which where not similar to the US. The bombing was a terrible thing that ever happened, because it killed many innocent people and it destoyed two cities of Japan which where Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Due to this attack it injured many people because of the radiations that was everywhere, and they had no where to hide or nothing to do but let it surround them and kill them.

Another story that was a major event in the US was the attack on the World Trade Center (Twin Towers) this happened 5 years ago (Sept.11.2001) was a terrible event because it did killed many people that worked there and lived around there. This happened due to an terrorist attack that made two planes crash on both towers and made them collasped killing many people that even tried to get out, but they couldn't because it was too late. Still now they are finding some parts of human body parts which is very terrible to hear because it affects many families that had victims died due to that attack.

I don't think it needs to add more information, but i thinks it need to be more formatted, because each event need to have more info about what happened and some aren't even that important that are on the very top they need to be put almost to the end and put the really important ones on tops which people would like to be interested in more in finding more information of why it happened.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Germany at War - WWII

Propaganda is a poster with information, ideas, or rumors which are spread around to help or harm a person, a group of people, a nation, etc. On the other hand, propaganda is not precise it is the saying of people to let others know and join them or help them with what they are doing or a particular cause.

The poster says Eucopas Siea dein Wohlstand which is a german word that really means " Europe's Victory Is Your Prosperity" in our language. Germany and other nations are at war and the illustration shows that Germany has defeated Great Britain and the fists turns directly to the right which is the east side of the country. Another symbol is the picture on the left top which is the graveyard with a name on it "W. Churchill's". I think that this will mean that they defeated that country and it was buried. Another symbol is the baby cradle that might show that babies were born in that time or maybe killed or there was security around that country. Also a Big Space of land that might be for the Germans which means prosperity and space to live in.